商品狀況說明 |
Dreamlife90 now includes a COA (Certificate of Authenticity) with ALL Disney theme park items we sell! 1979 A B C D E Tickets WALT DISNEY WORLD CHILD Book NEAR MINT TO MINT TICKETS! Authentic CHILD 8 Adventure Ticket Book. Original and Authentic. 5” x 2” Paper Ticket Book. 1 ticket each: A B C D E. 4 TICKETS ATTACHED! Authentic Serial Number E0525774 on the D, C, B, & A ATTACHED TICKETS and the back of the ticket book. The E Ticket (serial number E0531113) is from a similar 1979 CHILD Disney ticket books, and inserted into the book for completion. This Book displays beautifully. 5 tickets total = 1E, 1D, 1C, 1B, 1A. The colors are still bright and vibrant and the tickets themselves are just beautiful. It displays perfectly. Please see the 1979 production code on the inside of the back of the ticket book. Be sure to always look for the GLOBE TICKET SAFETY watermark on ALL vintage Disney theme park tickets to verify authenticity. SUITABLE FOR FRAMING. |